News & Articles
Our media database includes the latest news, footage and archives of past Bovingdon Horticultural Society activities. Here you will find the collection of publications and reports dating from the organization’s inception in 1927, all the way up to the present day. Check out some of our featured articles below and learn more about our efforts.

Painting and Photographic Subjects for 2021
Some of you have prepared paintings for the cancelled 2020 Spring Show and would still like to exhibit them, so for the 2021 Spring Show we have retained these subjects and added three more to provide new challenges. We have also retained the photographic subjects for the 2021 Summer Show. Here they are : -
Spring Show 2021
Painting/Art Section VI
Nature's Patterns
A Churchyard
Portrait of a Person
A Country Post Box or Boxes
All paintings can be in any medium and a maximum size of 24" including any framing and ready for hanging.
Summer Show 2021
Photographs Section VII
Happy Days - a collection of 4 photographs
All photos 7"x5" maximum, may be mounted.

Bovingdon Primary Academy - Springfield Nature and Garden site
"Springfield Nature and Garden site at Bovingdon Primary Academy is managed by Glynis Tustin, one of our committee members, and is maintained by pupils and used for nature projects. During the school closure for Covid-19 the hedgerows and bramble areas have become overgrown. As there is no electricity on site do any members have petrol powered hedge cutters or strimmers and can offer a bit of time to restore order to Springfield? If so please contact Glynis on 01442 833883."

Local Non-Profit Makes a Splash with Summer Fundraiser
Add a short summary of a news article or relevant publication with a link to the original. You can also add a video for extra engagement!